December 2021 | Frankfurt am Main
Vivo, the fourth largest smartphone brand worldwide, has entered European markets little more than a year ago. Within this short period, vivo has launched a number of smartphone models partnering with key European retailers and operaters and is growing successfully. Based on their “Camera First” approach and the strategic, long-term partnership with optical pioneer ZEISS, vivo is empowering consumers to take their ‘Perfect Shot’. INNOCEAN Frankfurt was assigned to develop a Social Media driven campaign with the clear objective of triggering consumer interest on-line and uplifting product purchase consideration with the integration of offline communication along the customer journey. At the starting point influencer-generated content such as unboxing videos, Insta-reels and postings have been developed to create first interest. A paid social media campaign with a hero-film and specific feature stories is boosting awareness and consideration. To close the loop for builing up familiarity with V21 features, the developed tool-kit for Europe includes offline motifs for OOH and POS too. Sergio connects the digital and social media strategy and has found his way even to the unboxing events with European influencers. No matter the content, Sergio can be found photobombing the scene and commenting in a sassy way. An entertaining approach to get familiar with differentiating key features: Director Lars Timmermann established the idea with a cinematic look with high attention to detail that brings the 3D gigolo Sergio alive and makes the viewer wondering “what party Sergio might crash next” in order to draw attention back to him. The campaign will be rolled out in markets such as Spain, France, Italy and Austria. “The involvement of our four key markets made the campaign a pan-European project. We are looking forward to good results from this campaign as more consumers consider V21 to highlight themselves in everyday life.” says Anthony Choi, Senior Director Brand Management in vivo European headquarters. “We’re very happy that a global challenger brand like vivo has given us the opportunity to highlight their excellent product with our strategic and creative capabilities. We’re looking forward to continuing our collaboration for the next exciting products to come.”, comments Andreas Cordt, CEO Germany at INNOCEAN Frankfurt
With their next technological highlight, the launch of the new V21 5G mobile phone, vivo is offering one of the most advanced selfie cameras in the market. The perfect phone for selfies or videos in daylight and especially in low light conditions with its Dual Selfie Spotlight feature.
The launch campaign of INNOCEAN Frankfurt dramatizes the key product benefits in a humorous way that is playing with the category clichés at the same time. It is targeting the Gen-Z through Social Media with the tiniest Social Mega Star ever: Sergio, a self-absorbed firefly who is nostalgic of his golden days, when nobody but him looked good on night selfies. But now, with the arrival of V21 5G and its brightening selfie features, those days are over.
(1) The unique Dual Selfie Spotlight, which is a built-in dual LED front flash.
(2) Super Night Selfies, thanks to the new AI Night Portrait Algorythm
(3) OIS Selfies – an abbrieviation for Optical Image Stabilization, that coveres shakes when you take a selfie while you’re moving in your favorite souroundings.